How to Find Single Golfers In My Area

It’s difficult to date when you don’t have anything common with the person you’re going out with. Especially when your interest is in golf. Golfing is a sport that people rarely like. That makes it even harder to find single golfers to date.


There are some solutions to this. If you want to find single golfers in your area, you have come to the right place. Here are some ways you can try to find your potential dates who like golf as much as you do.

Try Dating Sites And Apps That Are Golf Specific

The world has evolved digitally. Before, there were only dating sites and apps. Now, there are dating sites and apps specifically for golfers. This is one of the best options you can have. It’s your ticket to finding single golfers in your area.
All you have to do is sign up and set up your own profile. One of the best sites may be Maybe you’ll finally find the one on there.

Try Tinder To Find Single Golfers In Your Area

If the dating sites don’t work, try Tinder. It’s the most popularly used app to find matches that fit you best. Plus, they’re all local and within your area. Whenever you’re near a golf course, start swiping. If you have the patience and the research skills, you can even find single golfers on there. It might take some effort, but you will get there.

Ask Your Friends To Set You Up

This may be old-school. However, your friends are the ones who will help you out in times of need. Single golfers are extremely rare. Ask your friends to help out and see if they have any single golfer friends. Even your coworkers or your fellow golfers might help you out. Being set up on a date with a single golfer has its own charm anyway.

Go Golfing!

This is one of the best ways to find single golfers in your area. All you have to do is visit your local golf course. People in that location are only there for their one true love – golf. All that will be left is for you to find out if they’re single. A little bit of small talk can make that happen. Shoot your shot. You’ll definitely find someone.

Enroll In A Golf School

If nothing else works, this can be your last resort. Enrolling in a golf school will help you figure out who is professionally interested in this sport. Look around in your classes and around your course. May the best student win your heart.

These were some of the most common ways you can find single golfers in your area. Having a common interest is very important. If you’re passionate about golf, you need that special someone on the course with you. Try your luck and find your single golfers. The world is not short of them. You just have to seek, maybe another single golfer is looking for someone just like you.

2 Replies to “How to Find Single Golfers In My Area

  1. I would like to find gentlemen golfers in the 65-74 age gruop.
    I live in Boynton Beach, FL.
    and like to play at the Westchester Country Club.

  2. Please help me find a website in my area…
    I am in Boynton Beach,FL. and would like to meet men Golfers within 5-10
    miles of the Westchester Country Club.

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